
Biology Main Page
Chapter 6 main
Chromosomes - Compact structure of tightly coiled DNA that forms prior to mitosis.

Chromatin - A thin thread-like complex of DNA and proteins found in the nucleus of a nondividing cell.

Karyotype - Display of chromosomes found in an individual's cells arranged in order of size and shape

Diploid - Describes cells that have two sets of chromosomes.

Haploid - Describes cells that have one set of chromosomes.

Sex Chromosomes - Either member of a pair of chromosomes responsible for sex determination.

Binary Fission - Describes the way bacteria reproduce their circular DNA and divide the cell.  A form of asexual reproduction for bacteria.

Mitosis - A nuclear division that involves copying and separating chromosomes into two nuclei

Cytokinesis - Division of the cytoplasm following mitosis.

Cell Cycle - 5-phase sequence of eukaryotic cell growth and division.

Tumor - Formation of a mass of cells as a result of abnormally rapid cell division. 

Cancer - A condition in which normal restraints on cell reproduction break down, resulting in rapid uncontrolled cell division.

Mutation - Abrupt change in the genetic makeup of an individual.

Gamete - A haploid reproductive cell, such as an egg or sperm cell.

Meiosis - A form of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in a cell by half.

Crossing Over - Exchange of genetic material between paired homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis.

Homologous chromosomes - Chromosomes that carry the same traits in the same order but may have different codes for the same traits.