The ribosome is the place in the cell where the proteins are made. Proteins may be structural or functional. In that the proteins that are produced may be used by the cell as part of its structure or exported to be part of a larger structure, or function. An example of a functional proteins is an enzyme. Either way these proteins get their start by being produced in by the ribosome.
The ribosome is depicted as being a rounds structure similar to that of a BB, but it is actually quite different. The Ribosome is composed of two subunits, one large and one small. These subunits lock around the tRNA like a clamp to ensure the correct proteins are produced. Some ribosomes are attached to the Endoplasmic Reticulum while others are considered free ribosomes. Even though the are labeled as "free" implying that they are floating in the cytosol, they are in fact attached to the cytoskeleton.